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Netcel Advisory & Consulting

Enabling better strategy, measurement and operational leadership of digital products, wherever you are on your journey.

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Outstanding outcomes for digital leaders

Whatever your leadership role across marketing, operations and technology, we can help you confidently understand and embrace your digital challenges, identifying and driving tangible success in customer experience and operational excellence across: 

  • Strategy, governance & value - to align, lead and demonstrate ROI 
  • Technology, platforms, data & AI - to leverage investment, and unlock potential 
  • Operations, capability & adoption- to build expertise, confidence and culture 

Our advisory team help digital leadership teams drive the delivery and improvement of exceptional digital experiences and products across sectors from financial services, professional services, to business to business, and travel and leisure.  

We empower you to understand the challenges and opportunities facing your organisation and markets, and prioritise activity to drive outstanding outcomes for customers and colleagues alike.

Read on to discover how we can transform your digital leadership.

We tackle problems across three dimensions of digital success:
  • Marketing

    • Identify and define OKR frameworks that define the purpose of your digital product
    • Build and measure ROI and success across your digital channels - from acquisition to retention - for both increased revenue and savings
    • Drive outstanding process efficiencies within teams
    • Establish and grow digital product and marketing innovation and culture
    • Leverage Optimizely One’s marketing operating system
  • Operations

    • Define your business case, and grow stakeholder support
    • Embed digital operational excellence, tools and methodologies
    • Balance and deliver conflicting priorities from across the business
    • Drive digital channel shift, customer service efficiencies and savings
    • Embed digital experimentation to reduce risk and improve customer experiences
    • Build an insight-led digital product capability
  • Technology

    • Understand fitness for purpose and resilience of your digital technology
    • Secure ROI from Optimizely and your broader IT estate
    • Maturity planning across technology, data and AI - from discovery to scaling
    • Define an enterprise architecture to enable data-driven personalised digital product experiences
    • Create a vision for digital platforms and a prioritised roadmap for success

eBook: A Value First Approach

In tough economic times, prioritising value measurement can propel your organisation through digital transformation. This eBook covers the foundations of taking a Value First approach to digital strategy and implementation, provides practical advice on creating your own framework for measurement and how to build sustained support for your digital journey.

Download the eBook

Digital transformation is being replaced by digital evolution

Key to driving digital success is understanding that it’s a journey as much as a destination. Transformation is continuous, or likely to struggle as new challenges and opportunities arise along the way. There is no end state for the successful digital businesses. We think instead about direction of travel for delivering key OKR metrics – for example, improvement in revenue, cost savings, loyalty and sustainability.

This approach needs new approaches to collaboration, alignment and use of technology, innovation, governance, resourcing and delivery.

The target is always moving, and so are we.

Learn why digital evolution is the key to success in the 2020s and beyond by reading this market insights report that explores digital maturity, digital transformation and the drivers and barriers to digital evolution.

Download the report
3 ways to get started
  • DMA and digital roadmapping

    Digital Maturity Assessments (DMA) are a powerful way to understand where you are, and where you need to be to meet all dimensions of your digital ambitions - across measurement, implementation, operations and capability.

    It provides a clear view on the ‘execution gap’ and forms the basis of a prioritised digital roadmap to deliver on your objectives across a balance of quick wins, medium term transformation and future-facing initiatives.

  • Technology Audit, Selection & Leverage

    Digital success relies on getting the right tools and data in the hands of your people – to unlock operational excellence, innovation and data-driven decision making. 

    Leveraging your investments in digital technologies, and bringing them together is a core capability and we can help you assess, identify and deliver the right foundations, integrations and solutions.

  • Optimizely One Implementation

    Optimizely One is the first operating system for marketing. It can be a game changer in unifying your people, marketing processes and technology - delivering sustainable digital excellence. 

    Our advisory team can drive defining, embedding and adoption in your organisation - understanding your ambitions, context and challenges, and building a roadmap for success

Who we have worked with
An advisory partner for your digital journey
  • We work in ways that suit how you are building your digital future

    We know that how we shape our engagements and partnerships, is the key to delivering the greatest possible value in the shortest possible time.

    Examples of how we work range from the traditional client-agency partnership based on project or retained programme teams, but our experience also means we can work flexibly across a number of models, including:

    • A hybrid approach where we coach and build key capabilities with your people in-house 
    • Work with your offshore and outsourced teams to establish state of the art product and development processes
    • Strategic steering advisory to help you guide your organisation to success from a leadership perspective
  • Talk to us about:

    Measurement frameworks to understand the value and ROI of your digital investment, and its place across your broader customer experience and operational landscape

    Art of the Possible/Innovation Accelerators that uncover the true potential of Optimizely, and to give you taste of effective best practice, risk managed approaches to innovation and adoption, and a sense of what measurable success feels like

    Digital Steering where we work with you to monitor success and advise on unlocking potential through a well managed adaptive digital roadmap and evidence-based decision making

    Technical Audit and Advisory to maximise your lifetime ROI from digital technology and design a strategy to leverage your enterprise technology investments

    ‘Coaching to Capability’ approaches where we can build or improve the digital teams within your organisation, and coach them to become the best they can be through state of the art ways of working, toolkits, and culture

Get in touch

We have a broad experience of delivering successful digital transformation and evolution outcomes across a wide range of sectors, using best practice proven methods and tools.  However, every Advisory project we undertake is unique to the client, their ambitions, and their context. Get in touch and see how we can help you with an initial complimentary one hour consultation.

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How to be a leader in an era of digital evolution

We asked our panel of experts from Forrester, Netcel, Optimizely and Siteimprove a question: How to be a Leader in an era of digital evolution? Watch the webinar on demand.

Report: From Digital Transformation to Digital Evolution

Learn why digital evolution is the key to success in the 2020s and beyond by reading this market insights report that explores digital maturity, digital transformation and the drivers and barriers to digital evolution, created in partnership with Optimizely, Siteimprove and independent research agency London Research.

What is Digital Value?

In the first article in the series titled 'A Value-First Approach', Dom Graveson, Netcel's Director of Strategy & Experience explores the importance of having an effective framework to measure and prove the value of digital initiatives.